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Warm reminder to overseas Wuxi natives

(Wuxi Foreign Affairs Office)Updated: 2020-03-17

Currently, COVID-19 is spreading rapidly across countries. The study and work of many overseas Wuxi natives have been affected by the epidemic situation outside China. Wuxi, your hometown empathizes with you and is following closely the situation. We wish all of you take good self-precautions and reduce mobility to ensure your health and safety. Here are some special tips for you in consideration of the current global epidemic prevention and control situation as well as needs of overseas Wuxi natives. 

I. If you continue to stay abroad

We recommend you to reserve living and protective supplies in advance, try to avoid going out or going to crowded places, and take self-precautions to fully protect yourself when outdoors. Once suspected symptoms appear, please report to your schools, work units or relevant organizations as soon as possible, and go to the local hospital for treatment under their guidance. You can also turn to the embassy or consulate of China when encountering difficulties. In addition, Ali Health has opened up "Online Medical Consultation for Overseas Chinese" which is provided by medical practitioners at public hospitals who have been trained with diagnosis and treatment scheme of COVID-19. How to use: Search for "Scientific Epidemic Prevention and Control" via Alipay App. Click into the page of Consult a Doctor on Ali Health for overseas Chinese for free advice. Opening from 8:30 am to 24:00 pm (Beijing Time). 

II. If you plan to go back to Wuxi

1. Arrange your study or work plan properly. 

(1) Go through necessary procedures such as asking for a leave;

(2) Get ready for online courses or office work;

(3) Special reminder to get a clear understanding of the policies on student or work visas issued by your host countries to avoid their invalidity due to long absence. 

2. Choice of flights

(1) We recommend you to download 12308 app for consular protection by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC and pay close attention to its relevant news;

(2) Try to avoid hard-hit areas by the epidemic when choosing transit routes;

(3) Pay close attention to information on official websites of airports abroad, latest news of the airlines of your flights and provisional flights that related airlines may operate.

3. Prepare for return trip

(1) Check your body temperature before departure in case you're prevented from boarding. (Currently airlines allow passengers with body temperature below 37.3 ° C to get on board);

(2) Bring with you minimal carry-on items, preferably without checked baggage;

(3) Prepare food in advance, have enough drinking water and straws before boarding;

(4) Store up enough face masks, wear it throughout the journey and take other necessary protective measures;

(5) As your travel will be prolonged due to the epidemic, remember to bring an overcoat;

(6) Before departure, pay close attention to the official website of the entry airport and WeChat accounts such as "wuxifabu2013" and "wuxifao", to learn about domestic regulations and information on epidemic prevention and control.

4. International Travelling

(1) Please take necessary precautions while checking in and try to keep a distance from crowds;

(2) Follow instructions of crew members to take your temperatures and other quarantine measures;

(3) Don't conceal your travel history as well as information on whether you've taken medication for fevers so as to avoid disrupting epidemic prevention and control work;

(4) Try to remain seated while on board the flight. Please inform the crew members if you don't feel well;

(5) You may call the embassy or consulate general of China for help if you are stranded at the airport in special circumstances.

5. Arriving at domestic airport

(1) Please cooperatively finish designated entry procedures in accordance with the inspection and quarantine situation on the plane and at the airport;

(2) Please wait patiently and follow the guidance of crew members to get off the flight in turn and the arrangements and instructions of the airport of entry once off the flight. Please abide by the classified management system for entry personnel at domestic airports. There's the possibility of returning to Wuxi via the transfer shuttles arranged by Jiangsu Provincial and Wuxi Municipal Government.

If you arrive in Wuxi by train, please follow the arrangements of staff there to be transferred to self-quarantine at home or to a government-designated quarantine site for medical observation.

If family members of the entry personnel who don't take transfer shuttle buses at the airport want to pick them up by themselves, they can apply for two sets of first-level protective supplies and disinfection vouchers for the pick-up vehicle free of charge at the local Epidemic Prevention and Emergency Response Headquarters with their ID and flight ticket information. After they send the entry personnel to government-designated quarantine sites or to home for self-isolation and medical observation, they're required to go to the disinfection site specified in the voucher to sterilize their vehicles.

6. Returning to Wuxi

(1) You're required to report to the community administration upon arrival in Wuxi, declare your health information and follow their instructions for isolation and observation as well as other quarantine measures;

(2) If you have fever, coughing or other abnormal health conditions while being quarantined, you must contact 120 immediately and be transferred to fever clinics for treatment;

(3) Apply for "Wuxi Health QR Code" in time after entry. How to apply: log on WeChat account "wxgawjw" to click on "Apply for Wuxi Health QR Code". Fill in authentic information and your personal "Code" will be issued automatically. You can save the code in your mobile phone (or print it in paper);

(4) For imported confirmed cases, suspected cases and asymptomatic infected people outside China, if they have basic medical insurance, medical expenses shall be paid in accordance with the relevant provisions of basic medical insurance. If they have commercial insurance, expenses shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of commercial insurance contracts. The rest people shall bear all the costs by themselves in principle. Those who are identified to be in difficulties financially will be given medical assistance in accordance with relevant regulations.

7. Legal risk alert

Overseas returnees shall truthfully perform their responsibilities such as truthfully declaring their health information and reporting travel history. Anyone suspected of intentionally concealing contact history of infectious diseases, deliberately concealing the travel history of hard-hit countries by COVID-19, concealing illnesses, declaring health information untruthfully, refusing to accept medical tests and territorial control measures, and other behaviors which disrupt the normal order of epidemic prevention and control, shall be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with the Law on Public Security Administration Punishments, the Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, and other laws and regulations.

8. Service hotlines

(1) Hotline: +86-510-12345,+86-510-81824348

(2) Other related hotlines:

Kunshan Service Station (Entry from port of Shanghai):


China International Exhibition Center (New Venue) Service Station (Entry from port of Beijing):


Nanjing Lukou International Airport Service Station (Entry from port of Nanjing):


Wish you all a safe journey back to Wuxi! Welcome home!

Wuxi COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and  Controland Emergency Response Headquarters Office

March 16, 2020

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