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中国共产党问责条例 regulation on Party accountability

Updated: 2019-09-30
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poor leadership of the Party;

insufficient promotion of political, theoretical, organizational and disciplinary work within the Party;

insufficient combating of corruption;

improper conduct in the most pressing issues that concern the people, including education, medical services, ecological protection, food and drug safety, poverty relief and social security.


(一)检查。责令作出书面检查并切实整改(be ordered to write a letter of remorse and rectify)。

(二)通报。责令整改,并在一定范围内通报(be named and shamed within certain ranks)。

(三)改组。对失职失责,严重违犯党的纪律、本身又不能纠正的,应当予以改组(be restructured for serious dereliction of duty and violation of Party regulations)。


(一)通报。进行严肃批评,责令作出书面检查、切实整改,并在一定范围内通报(be named and shamed within certain ranks)。

(二)诫勉。以谈话或者书面方式进行诫勉(receive oral or written warnings)。

(三)组织调整或者组织处理。对失职失责、危害较重,不适宜担任现职的,应当根据情况采取停职检查、调整职务、责令辞职、免职、降职等措施(be suspended from their posts, transferred, or forced to resign, demotion, or dismissal)。

(四)纪律处分。对失职失责、危害严重,应当给予纪律处分的,依照《中国共产党纪律处分条例》追究纪律责任(be subject to punishment for violating Party discipline)。

《条例》还明确,实行终身问责(lifelong accountability),对失职失责性质恶劣、后果严重的,不论其责任人是否调离转岗、提拔或者退休等,都应当严肃问责(officials will be held responsible for serious breaches of duty for life, even if they are transferred, promoted or retire)。 

教育app education app

Education authorities and schools should ask the opinions of students, parents and teachers before introducing applications to students, according to a guideline issued by the Ministry of Education and seven other departments on Thursday.


意见明确,教育移动互联网应用程序(简称教育app)是指以教职工、学生、家长为主要用户(teaching staff, students and parents as target users),以教育、学习为主要应用场景(teaching and learning as major application scenarios),服务于学校教学与管理、学生学习与生活以及家校互动(applicable to teaching and management, learning activities and teacher-parent communication)等方面的互联网app。


All apps used at schools should register with provincial education authorities by the end of this year, and a long-term management mechanism on the apps with specific standards and rules should be established by the end of 2020.


Schools should not charge any fees for apps for teaching and student management, and these apps should not contain any commercial advertisements or games, it said.

Schools cannot force students to use certain apps or associate the use of the apps with grades, credit or honorary titles.


The guideline added that apps for student management should contain different functions in order to cut the number of apps students need to download.


The providers of education apps should set up a data security mechanism that covers collection, storage, transmission and use of personal information.