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二十国集团峰会 G20 summit

Updated: 2019-06-30
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6月28日,中国国家主席习近平在日本大阪出席二十国集团领导人第十四次峰会(the 14th G20 Summit)并发表题为《携手共进,合力打造高质量世界经济》的讲话。以下为讲话要点:

The G20 major economies should embrace development opportunities with greater openness and seek win-win results with better cooperation, so as to guide economic globalization toward the right direction.

The G20 should focus on shared interests and long-term development, and commit to realizing lasting peace and prosperity for the world and a satisfying life for peoples around the world. The G20 should not make an irreversible "historic mistake" due to temporary shortsightedness.

The G20 major economies should promote international innovation cooperation, move beyond border limitation and man-made fences, pool global wisdom to tackle common problems, and broadly apply innovation outcomes to benefit more countries and peoples.

China will further open up its market, proactively expand imports, continuously improve its business environment for foreign enterprises, and press ahead with various trade agreement negotiations.