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奥运申办程序变革 Olympic bidding overhaul

Updated: 2019-06-30
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The International Olympic Committee outlined plans to overhaul the bidding process for future Games, stating that cities interested in hosting the Games should hold referendums before submitting official tenders to avoid having to withdraw their candidacy at a later date.


Overhaul这个词可用作动词或名词,表示“翻修;革新;彻底检查”等意思,比如:overhaul the income tax policy/the income tax policy overhaul(个税改革)、overhaul the original plan(改变最初的计划)等。

Withdraw their candidacy就是“放弃候选城市资格”,即“退出申办”,也可以用drop out of bidding来表示。Drop out of通常表示“退出”,比如,“中途退学”就是drop out of school。


For the 2026 Winter Olympics, which this week was awarded to Milan and Cortina D'Ampezzo, four cities pulled out.

It was a similar situation for the 2022 and 2024 Games. Local referendums have also killed off many bids or planned candidacies, including in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Canada among others.


第一,未来将分别组建“夏季奥运会举办地委员会”和“冬季奥运会举办地委员会”(future host commissions one each for Summer and Winter Games)。

The new panels will be empowered to have “permanent ongoing dialogue” with potential bidders and pro-actively approach preferred hosts. They will recommend one or more candidates for an election.


A new, flexible campaign timetable will end the Olympic Charter rule requiring hosts to be voted on seven years in advance of a Summer or Winter Games. 



Host can also refer to multiple cities, regions and/or countries. 

第四,国际奥委会鼓励举办地更多使用现有或临时场馆及设施(use existing or temporary venues and infrastructures)。