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高温津贴 high-temperature subsidy

Updated: 2019-06-30
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Among 28 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions that have implemented high-temperature subsidies, nine of them -- including Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangxi, Tianjin and Hebei -- have raised their standards for high-temperature subsidies this summer, Beijing News reported.

根据《防暑降温措施管理办法》,劳动者在温度35℃以上的户外露天作业(workers exposed to outdoor temperatures above 35℃)或在温度33℃以上的室内工作场所工作(work indoors in temperatures above 33℃)时,用人单位应当向劳动者发放高温津贴(high-temperature subsidies)。

After the adjustment, employees in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang will get a monthly subsidy of 300 yuan, the highest amount in the nation.

Anhui has raised its subsidy standard from 10 yuan per day to 15 yuan, while Sichuan adjusted the local standard from 8 to 12 yuan per day to 10-18 yuan.

Hebei is the only region that sets an hourly high-temperature subsidy standard. It has raised the local standard to 2 yuan per hour for outdoor workers and 1.5 yuan per hour for indoor workers, up from the previous 1.5 yuan and 1 yuan, respectively.


Employees in northern regions and provinces such as Beijing and Shanxi are entitled to the subsidy from June to August, while those in southern regions and provinces such as Guangdong and Guangxi can receive the subsidy from June to October. 

For those in the southernmost Hainan province, the subsidy is paid from April to October.