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不规范地名 improper place names

Updated: 2019-06-30
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The Ministry of Civil Affairs on Friday instructed local authorities to act prudently and appropriately in a campaign against improper place names.

2018年12月,民政部(the Ministry of Civil Affairs)、公安部(the Ministry of Public Security)、自然资源部(the Ministry of Natural resources)、住房城乡建设部(the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)、交通运输部(the Ministry of Transport)、国家市场监管总局(State Administration for Market Regulation)联合印发《关于进一步清理整治不规范地名的通知》,对清理整治不规范地名工作作出安排部署。

The campaign mainly targets improper names of newly built residential areas and major projects that have had a negative social effect and have stirred strong public reactions-those featuring exaggeration, blind worshiping of foreign names, odd and incomprehensible words and repetitive names.

其中,“大”指刻意夸大(exaggeration),“洋”指崇洋媚外(blind worshiping of foreign names),“怪”指怪异难懂(odd and incomprehensible words),“重”指重名同音(repetitive names)。

民政部要求各地准确把握政策,严格按照有关法规和原则标准组织实施(regulations and guidelines should be strictly observed),防止随意扩大清理整治范围(prevent the campaign from being expanded in an arbitrary manner)。

It urged local authorities to regulate their work procedures, solicit public and expert opinions and produce a list of proposed name corrections cautiously.