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科创板 STAR Market

Updated: 2019-06-28
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China inaugurated its Nasdaq-like STAR Market, also known as the sci-tech innovation board, at the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Thursday, kicking off the country's much-anticipated capital market reform.


上海证券交易所科创板的英文名为SSE STAR Market,其中SSE代表Shanghai Stock Exchange,而STAR则是从Sci-Tech innovAtion boaRd中各取了一个字母,STAR一词本身有“星星、明星、主演”之意,该缩写寓意着未来科创板如一颗冉冉升起的新星。

股市中的其他各种板包括:主板(mainboard)、中小板(SME board)、创业板(growth enterprise market, GEM)等。



The new market will support tech companies that are in line with the national strategies, make breakthroughs in core technologies and are well accepted by the market to grow stronger, Yi Huiman, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), said at the launching ceremony of the sci-tech innovation board at the Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai.


We will launch a science and technology innovation board at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and experiment with a registration system for listed companies. We will also support Shanghai in cementing its position as an international financial center and a hub of science and innovation, and steadily improve the fundamental institutions of its capital market.

2019年1月30日,中国证监会发布《关于在上海证券交易所设立科创板并试点注册制的实施意见》,意见指出科创板将重点支持新一代信息技术(new generation information technology)、高端装备(advanced equipment)、新材料(new materials)、新能源(new energy)、节能环保(energy conservation and environmental protection)以及生物医药(biomedicine)等高新技术产业和战略性新兴产业(high-tech and strategic emerging sectors)。

意见明确,在科创板试点注册制(registration-based IPO mechanism),合理制定科创板股票发行条件(IPO qualifications)和更加全面深入精准的信息披露规则体系(comprehensive and specific framework of rules for information disclosure)。上交所负责科创板发行上市审核(IPO screening),证监会负责科创板股票发行注册(IPO registration)。证监会将加强对上交所审核工作的监督,并强化新股发行上市事前事中事后全过程监管(end-to-end supervision)。

As of June 10, the Shanghai Stock Exchange had handled 119 applications for IPOs on the sci-tech innovation board. Of all, 41 companies, or 34 percent, are in the field of new-generation information technology, 21 in the advanced equipment industry, 27 in biomedicine and 13 in new materials.

易会满说,证监会将会同市场各方,坚持以增量改革带动存量改革,充分发挥科创板的改革试验田作用,形成可复制、可推广的经验,以此带动资本市场全面深化改革(push forward sweeping reforms of the capital market),努力打造一个规范、透明、开放、有活力、有韧性的资本市场(build the capital market into a regulated, transparent and open one full of vigor and resilience)。