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外来入侵物种 invasive alien species

language.chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: 2019-05-31
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The provincial government of Yunnan has published a new list of invasive alien species. It includes 441 alien species and 4 variants, such as Fushou snails, Blattella Americana as well as crayfish, 50.1% of which originate from the American continent, according to a report from the Xinhua News Agency.


所谓外来入侵物种(invasive alien species),是指在当地的自然或者半自然生态系统中形成了自我再生能力(develop a self-reproduction ability)、可能或者已经对生态环境、生产或者生活造成明显损害或者不利影响(cause visible damage to or negative impact on the environment, production or daily life)的外来物种。


云南此次发布的《名录》将入侵物种划分为5大类,包括Ⅰ级恶性入侵类(invasive alien species of malignant consequences)、Ⅱ级严重入侵类(invasive alien species of severe consequences)、Ⅲ级局部入侵类( invasive alien species of partial consequences)、Ⅳ级一般入侵类(invasive alien species of average consequences)、Ⅴ级有待观察类(invasive alien species to be observed)。


曾参与中科院昆明动物研究所就对滇池流域小龙虾分布范围和种群数量全面调查项目的杜丽娜说:“小龙虾治理没有特效办法,只能通过截断、围挡等手段(constructing barriers)控制其生存范围。而大量人工捕捞反而会扩大其种群生存空间,从而刺激小龙虾加速繁殖。”

小龙虾可通过捕食本地动植物(predating on local animals and plants)、携带和传播致病源(carrying or spreading pathogen)等方式危害土著物种,同时其掘洞习性(habit of hole digging)对水利工程有破坏作用,严重的可能引发决堤洪涝等险情。


据了解,目前常用的防治外来入侵物种的方式主要有人工防治、化学防治等,人工防治(manual control)依靠人力或者机械设备进行清除,化学防治(chemical control)则是用化学除草剂(use of pesticides)防除。