博鳌亚洲论坛年会 the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference
3月26日-29日,博鳌亚洲论坛2019年年会(the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019)在中国海南博鳌举行,主题是“共同命运 共同行动 共同发展(Shared Future, Concerted Action, Common Development)”。
The BFA AC2019 will feature approximately 50 official sessions, including the opening plenum, themed sessions, CEO dialogues, and roundtable meetings. They are formatted under five modules—open world economy; multilateralism, regional cooperation and global governance; innovation-driven development; high-quality development; and critical issues.
Globalization and free trade are inevitable trends of economic development; that multilateralism, dialogue and cooperation are the shared aspiration of most countries; and that openness and innovation are natural choices to sustain economic progress and globalization.
The BFA AC2019 will provide an open, inclusive dialogue platform for stakeholders and send a clear message to build consensus regarding global governance.
在开放型世界经济版块,年会将突出“开放”这一关键词,下设世界经济展望(global economic outlook)、服务业开放(opening of the service sector)、WTO改革(WTO reform)、跨境电商(cross-border e-commerce)、自贸区与自由港(free trade zone versus free port)等议题;
在多边主义、区域合作与全球治理版块,年会将突出“多边合作”这一关键词,下设全球治理(global governance)、“一带一路”(the Belt and Road initiative)、岛屿经济(island economy)、亚洲区域合作组织对话(Asian regional organizations dialogues)等议题;
在创新驱动版块,年会将突出“科技创新”这一关键词,下设可持续发展(sustainable development)、5G与物联网(5G and the Internet of Things)、“AI+”时代(AI plus)、大数据(big data)、分享经济(shared economy)、海洋经济(blue economy)等议题。
在高质量发展版块,年会将突出“质量发展”这一关键词,下设城乡发展(rural and urban development)、制造业(manufacturing)、金融(finance)、消费(consumption)、跨境投资(cross-border investment)、房市及证券市场(housing and securities markets)、国企民企对话(the relationship between SOEs and the private sector)、中小企业(SMEs)、能源资源(energy)等议题。