全国通办 nationwide access
"Taking effect on April 1, residents in the Chinese mainland can apply for passports and travel permits to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan at every exit and entry management department across the country. Tourist group visas for all three places can be obtained from self-service machines." Yin Chengji, Vice Director of the National Immigration Administration said at the press conference Tuesday.
全国各地都能办,即内地居民可在全国任一出入境管理窗口(every exit and entry management department across the country)申办出入境证件;
内地居民都能办,即不受户籍地、居住地等条件限制(no restrictions on household registration or residence),内地居民均可在异地申办出入境证件;
出国出境证件都能办(applicable to both passports and travel permits),即中华人民共和国普通护照、往来港澳通行证、往来台湾通行证等都可在异地申办。
据悉,国家移民管理局政务服务平台将于4月1日起正式上线启用。国家移民管理局政务服务平台综合运用网站、移民局App、第三方平台多种网上服务方式,目前主要有六大功能:往来港澳台旅游签注申办(apply for travel permits to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)、证件办理进度查询(application status enquiry)、证件预约申请(passport and travel permit appointment)、证件信息查询(passport and travel permits details)、出入境记录查询(records of exit and entry)、办事指引查询(instructions)。