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欧洲三国之行 tri to three European countries

language.chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: 2019-04-03
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President Xi Jinping arrived in Beijing on Wednesday after wrapping up his state visits to Italy, Monaco and France. It was his first overseas trip this year. During the six-day visit, Xi traveled to five cities and attended more than 40 events.

国家主席习近平3月21日至26日应邀对意大利、摩纳哥、法国进行国事访问(state visit)。行程结束之际,国务委员兼外交部长王毅向记者介绍此访情况。王毅说,习近平主席此访致力于深化伙伴合作(deepen partnership for cooperation),致力于完善全球治理(improve global governance),致力于捍卫多边主义(uphold multilateralism),体现了中国作为负责任大国的境界和担当(China's sense of responsibility as a major country),受到国内外舆论高度评价。

王毅说,习近平主席走到哪里,"一带一路"的东风就吹向哪里,务实合作的果实就收获在哪里(wherever President Xi went, he took the Belt and Road and produced a harvest of practical cooperation there)。此访欧洲,习近平主席来到了古丝绸之路的另一端(the trip took Xi to the other end of the ancient Silk Road),用"一带一路"接续新时代的亚欧大陆互联互通(boost Eurasian interconnectivity through joint building of the Belt and Road)。

王毅表示,意大利政府作出参与共建"一带一路"的战略决定,体现出求真务实和远见卓识(the Italian government's strategic decision to join the Belt and Road is pragmatic and visionary)。中意签署共建"一带一路"合作谅解备忘录(sign a memorandum of understanding on jointly building the Belt and Road),为亚欧互联互通建设、为拓展"一带一路"全球合作增添新的动力。

王毅表示,习近平访问期间,中法签署第三方市场合作第三轮示范项目清单(sign agreements on the third round of the BRI-related demonstration projects in third-party markets),并启动了第三方市场合作基金(kick off a third-party market fund),合力打造两国"一带一路"合作支点。中法决定在传统战略性合作领域推进现有大项目合作(push the building of major projects in traditional areas),在科技创新、农业、金融等新兴领域(new areas including scientific innovation, agriculture and finance)加快战略对接和全方位合作,进一步深化两国产业利益融合。

王毅表示,中、法、德及欧盟领导人在巴黎会晤时也就共建"一带一路"进行了富有建设性的讨论(constructive discussions on jointly building the Belt and Road),各方都显示了积极姿态(all the parties responded positively)。马克龙总统在全球治理论坛闭幕式上表示,中方提出的"一带一路"倡议具有重大意义,将为世界和平与发展发挥重要作用(the BRI is of great significance and will play an important role in promoting global peace and development),欧盟愿将欧亚互联互通战略与"一带一路"深度对接,开展创新性合作。

王毅说,中摩经贸合作具有务实、高效、灵活的特点。习近平主席在与阿尔贝二世亲王会谈中,认真探讨了摩方结合自身区位和产业优势,积极参与到共建"一带一路"国际合作中来(actively participate in the joint development of the Belt and Road),同中方开展包括开拓第三方市场在内的多种形式合作。