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政协十三届全国委员会 the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC

Updated: 2019-03-08
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政协十三届全国委员会(the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC)共有34个界别(34 sectors),分别是:

中国共产党(the Communist Party of China,CPC)

八个民主党派:中国国民党革命委员会(Revolutionary Committee Of The Chinese Kuomintang)、中国民主同盟(China Democratic League)、中国民主建国会(China National Democratic Construction Association)、中国民主促进会(China Association for Promoting Democracy)、中国农工民主党(Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party)、中国致公党(China Zhi Gong Party /China Public Interest Party)、九三学社(Jiu San Society)和台湾民主自治同盟(Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League) 

无党派人士(non-party personages 

人民团体:中国共产主义青年团(Communist Youth League of China)、中华全国总工会(All-China Federation of Trade Unions)、中华全国妇女联合会(All-China Women’s Federation)、中华全国青年联合会(All-China Youth Federation)、中华全国工商业联合会(All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce)、中国科学技术协会(China Association for Science and Technology)、中华全国台湾同胞联谊会(All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots)、中华全国归国华侨联合会(All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese) 

各少数民族和各界的代表:文化艺术界(sector of culture and art)、科学技术界(sector of science and technology)、社会科学界(sector of social sciences)、经济界(sector of economics)、农业界(sector of agriculture)、教育界(sector of education)、体育界(sector of sports)、新闻出版界(sector of press and publication)、医药卫生界(sector of medicine and health)、对外友好界(sector for friendship with foreign countries)、社会福利和社会保障界(sector for welfare and social security)、少数民族界(sector of ethnic minorities)、宗教界(sector of religion) 

特邀香港人士(specially invited figures from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) 

特邀澳门人士(specially invited figures from Macao Special Administrative Region) 

特别邀请人士(other specially invited figures)