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双层动车组 double-decker bullet train

Updated: 2019-02-28
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A model of China's future double-decker bullet train was unveiled by the Chinese Academy of Sciences on Monday, with experts predicting it could reach speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour.


据介绍,双层动车组(double-decker bullet train)瞄准国际市场,以时速160公里为基础技术平台,车体、转向架等核心部件按照高速动车组的标准设计、验证(core components designed according to the current standards for high-speed trains),可以根据不同需求进行技术升级(technological upgrade),达到时速160公里以上多种速度等级。同时整车采用轻量化设计,复合制动控制(hybrid braking system),安全节能环保。

西南交通大学教授张卫华介绍说,德国、法国的下一代高速列车均提倡用双层动车组技术,其目标是提高旅客乘坐能力,提升运能(improving passenger capacity),提高经济性(economic efficiency)。

列车高速行驶,如果车体加高、荷载加重,高速转弯时会因离心力作用导致失稳(lose stability due to centrifugal forces),这也是双层高铁动车组研制中最关键的问题。

张卫华说:“就速度来说,只要解决了低重心和大容量等设计技术问题(design and technical problems such as the train's high center of gravity and large passenger capacity),单层速度跑时速350公里,双层动车速度也应该没问题。” 

app布置作业 assigning homework on mobile apps

Zhejiang province is moving to ban teachers from assigning homework on mobile apps as part of an effort to save students' eyesight.

Along with banning app-based homework assignments, the regulation would limit the use of electronic devices to 30 percent of total teaching time and instead encourage homework to be completed by hand on paper.

作业方面,小学一二年级不布置书面家庭作业(no written homework at all should be assigned to children in the first two years of school),三至六年级书面家庭作业完成时间不得超过60分钟,初中不得超过90分钟,高中阶段也要合理安排作业时间。

在考试管理方面,全面推进义务教育学校免试就近入学全覆盖(fully implement the policy ensuring that children can receive compulsory education at schools close to where they live without having to take entrance exams)。小学一二年级每学期不得超过1次,其他年级每学期不得超过2次。严禁以任何形式、方式公布学生考试成绩和排名(no release of test results and ranks in any form);严禁以各类竞赛获奖证书、学科竞赛成绩或考级证明等作为招生入学依据(enrollment based on academic competition results will be banned);严禁以各种名义组织考试选拔学生。

防控儿童青少年近视,浙江省教育厅还要求,强化体育课和课外锻炼(increase the time for sports and extra-curricular activities),大课间、课外体育活动、眼保健操时间均纳入课表(long breaks, extra-curricular sports activities and eye exercises will be included in school schedules),严格按规定时间组织实施。儿童青少年近视防控工作(myopia prevention and control)、总体近视率(overall myopia rate)和体质健康状况(physical health)纳入政府绩效考核的要求。


Teachers will not be allowed to use the WeChat or QQ messaging apps to assign homework or ask parents to grade students' homework.