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租对象服务 partner-renting services

language.chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: 2019-02-02
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In recent years, renting fake girlfriends or boyfriends to travel home with during the Spring Festival holiday — the Chinese celebration of the Lunar New Year — has grown in popularity. Businesses may charge meager fees or princely sums in exchange for temporary partners intended to appease parents impatiently waiting for their unwed children to settle down.

据《新京报》报道,网络租友(online partner-renting)的起源,最早能查到的是2008年,一名叫“陈潇”的女孩出租自己的闲暇时间(rent out her spare time),此后,越来越多的人有了租友的需求。2011年有一些商家通过电商平台提供租友服务(partner-renting services),以便“在过年时期应付家庭长辈的检查”。此后,一些租友网站和App租友平台也随之诞生。

不过,这种新兴业务也引发了不少人对相应平台管理方面的担忧。比如,平台管理混乱,有些平台根本不提供相应的中介服务,纯粹是打着租友的招牌骗会员费(swindle membership fees out of users);又比如,用户的注册信息也存在极高的泄露风险(highly susceptible to information breach)。

此外,围绕租友的一些诈骗行为(fraud)和非法色情交易(sexual services),几乎都是在钻管理上的漏洞。有用户为租来的对象购买了机票并支付定金(advance payment)以后,对方失联。还有色情犯罪团伙直接利用租友平台招嫖(solicit prostitution)。

从法律上讲,租友实质上是一种劳务雇佣关系(employment relationship),而不是租赁关系。但是因租男女朋友这种人身属性比较特殊,容易违反公序良俗。

Han Xiao, a lawyer at Beijing Kangda Law Firm, said that despite their inherent pitfalls, partner-renting services don’t necessarily violate the law. However, he said people should be aware of the gray areas involved in such contracts. “For example, if two people have agreed to have sex in exchange for money during a designated period, then that constitutes prostitution, and is illegal.”