微信表情包 WeChat emoji
People in different age groups have totally different preferences for choosing their WeChat emojis, according to a report released by Tencent's WeChat.
报告显示,00后用户(users who were born in the 2000s)最爱的微信表情是"捂脸"(facepalm)。00后晚睡晚起,睡眠时间最短,晚上10点后开始活跃,偏爱冷饮和甜品(iced beverages and desserts)。
90后最爱的微信表情是"笑中带泪(smiling face with tears of joy)",与其他年龄段的用户相比,90后早上起床时间较晚(get out of bed later in the morning),公共交通出行最频繁(be the most frequent users of public transport),阅读内容从娱乐八卦转向生活情感(reading materials have shifted from entertainment and gossip to relationship and lifestyle pieces)。
80后最爱的微信表情是"龇牙笑(grin)",他们热爱阅读(be fond of reading),关注国家大事(be followers of news related to State and public affairs)。
70后是乐观主义者(optimists),最爱的表情是捂嘴笑(smiling face with hand over mouth),他们休闲时刻最爱刷朋友圈(go through their Moments)。
55岁以上人群最爱的表情是"点赞(give a thumbs-up)",他们早睡早起,平时线上娱乐非常丰富(with rich entertainment activities online),包括刷朋友圈、阅读和购物。
报告显示,微信已渗透进人们日常生活中的方方面面(penetrate into our daily lives)。2018年,微信月活用户(monthly active users)10.8亿,每日音视频通话4.1亿次(make 410 million daily video and audio calls)。使用微信购买公交车票(purchase public transport tickets)的乘客比前年增加了4.7倍,用微信支付医药费(pay for medical expenses)的用户增加了2.9倍,每个月使用微信吃饭买单(use WeChat to pay for meals)的食客比前年增加了1.7倍。
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