国家科学技术奖 State Science and Technology Award
Radar expert Liu Yongtan and defense engineer Major General Qian Qihu were honored with the 2018 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award on Tuesday.
国家科学技术奖(State Science and Technology Award)每年评审一次,根据最新发布的《关于深化科技奖励制度改革的方案》,规定“国家三大奖”每年授奖总数不超过300项。国家科学技术奖包括、国家自然科学奖(the State Natural Science Award)、国家技术发明奖(the State Technological Innovation Award)、国家科技进步奖(the State Science and Technology Advancement Award),即大家常说的“国家三大奖”。还包括授予外籍科学家或外国组织的中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖(the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award),和分量最重的国家最高科学技术奖(State Preeminent Science and Technology Award)。
国家最高科学技术奖是为表彰在基础科学研究领域取得重大突破(achieve important breakthroughs in basic scientific research),并带来深远影响(with far-reaching influence)的科学工作者,以及创造了巨大经济效益(generate enormous economic returns)、促进了社会进步(facilitate social progress)的杰出科学家而设立的。
中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士(an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering)刘永坦是中国对海探测新体制雷达理论与技术奠基人和引领者,40年来,这位著名雷达与信号处理技术专家(expert in radar and signal processing)致力于中国新体制雷达事业的发展,为中国筑起了“海防长城(Great Wall of Maritime Defense)”。
著名防护工程专家(defense engineering expert)、中国工程院院士(an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering)钱七虎是中国现代防护工程理论奠基人(founder of China's modern defense engineering theory),创建了中国防护工程学科和人才培养体系,他以科技强军、铸盾报国为毕生追求,对中国防护工程各个时期的建设发展做出突出贡献,为中国铸就坚不可摧的“地下钢铁长城(indestructible "Steel Great Wall" underground)”立下不朽功勋。
An overview of the world history since the industrial revolution tells us that every great leap in technological development has spurred great economic and social advancements.
We still vividly remember the miserable fate China has suffered in its modern history because of missing the opportunities brought by technological revolutions.
We must have a global vision in developing science and technology. Independent innovation should be pursued in an open environment, rather than behind closed doors. We should gather the energy and strength from every corner of the world.
People are the most important drivers of technological innovation.
Technological innovation is the core issue. By holding it, we grasp the key to the country’s overall development.
To make breakthroughs in development bottlenecks and solve deep-rooted conflicts and problems, the ultimate solution is relying on innovation and the power of science and technology.