退押金 deposit refund
Over 12 million users of bike-sharing firm Ofo have requested deposit refunds as of Friday, with the company possibly owing in excess of 1 billion yuan to its riders.
近日,Ofo小黄车因为退押金(deposit refund)问题被推上了舆论的风口浪尖。Ofo公司北京总部数百名用户排队退押金(hundreds of users lined up at Ofo's Beijing headquarters to get their deposits refunded)、假装外国人Ofo秒退押金(pretend to be foreigners and Ofo returns deposits in seconds)等消息,引爆了Ofo退押金的热潮。
本月17日晚,Ofo官方微博公布退押金新政(new deposit return policy),表示所有退押金申请,无论线上线下,都将统一进行收集和审核(all deposit refund applications, online or offline, will be collected and reviewed),公司会按申请顺序退还押金(the deposit will be refunded in order of application)。目前排队人数已经突破1200万,按照每名用户99-199元押金来算,待退押金或超过10亿元。2017年11月,Ofo用户超过两亿。千万用户集体退押金,意味着大量用户将流失,Ofo营收可能面临雪崩式下滑。
针对"大量用户到Ofo总部排队现场退押金"一事,交通运输部新闻发言人吴春耕回应称,正督促Ofo畅通退押金渠道(smooth channels to return deposits),优化退押金流程,加快退款进度(speed up refund procedures),切实保障用户合法权益(protect the legitimate rights and interests of users)。
据中国执行信息公开网披露,深陷困境的(beleaguered, in hot water)Ofo小黄车和它的创始人戴威收到了法院颁出的限制消费令(be issued consumption restrictions by a court)。该公司及戴威本人不得坐飞机及软卧(be forbidden from taking an airplane as well as the soft berths in trains)、不能在星级宾馆等场合消费。
双标处理 two-faced treatment
极速退款 speedy refund
临时服务器迁移 temporary server migration
联合收购 joint buyout
预付费 pre-payment