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年度人物 Person of the Year

Updated: 2018-12-15
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沙特记者卡舒吉和路透社记者瓦龙、觉梭 CBS截图

Time magazine has chosen "The Guardians," a group of journalists who have been targeted for their work, as Person of the Year.

《时代》周刊11日将2018年度人物(Person of the Year)授予被称为"守护者(Guardians)"的一群记者,他们分别是沙特记者贾马尔·卡舒吉、菲律宾记者玛丽亚·瑞萨、路透社记者瓦隆和吴觉梭以及美国马里兰州《首府公报》的员工。这是自《时代》周刊开始评选年度人物以来记者首次获得该称号,也是该杂志首次将这一荣誉授予逝者(this is the first time Time has given the accolade to someone no longer alive)。

《华盛顿邮报》沙特籍记者卡舒吉因报道沙特政府负面信息,于10月2日进入沙特驻伊斯坦布尔领事馆后被害,此后卡舒吉案细节的不断公布受到全球瞩目;今年6月,美国马里兰州《首府新闻报》五名员工在枪击案中遇害(five members of the Capital Gazette staff were killed in a shooting);菲律宾记者玛丽亚·瑞萨因对当地政府进行批判性报道,被以逃税罪名逮捕(be arrested on tax evasion charges);路透社记者瓦龙和吴觉梭因报道罗兴亚穆斯林大屠杀(report on a massacre of Rohingya Muslims),被判处7年监禁。

《时代》周刊总编爱德华·费尔森塔尔(editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal)表示,因为他们敢于冒巨大的风险追求更伟大的真理,他们对事实进行虽不完美但至关重要的探寻——这些事实是公民话语的核心,他们敢于直言不讳、大声疾呼,所以这些"守护者"当选年度人物(for taking great risks in pursuit of greater truths, for the imperfect but essential quest for facts that are central to civil discourse, for speaking up and for speaking out, the "Guardians" are the Person of the Year)。

自1927年以来,《时代》周刊每年都会选出在过去一年中对新闻和世界产生重大影响的个人或群体(an individual or group of people who most influenced the news and the world during the past year)作为当年的年度人物。至于对当年的影响是正面还是负面,《时代》周刊曾撰文表示,这是要留给读者的问题。最近几年,《时代》周刊的年度人物包括掀起反对性骚扰的#MeToo运动(trigger the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment)的"打破沉默者(Silence Breakers)"、美国总统特朗普、德国总理默克尔、埃博拉病抗击者(Ebola Fighters)等。

现场报道 field reporting
调查性报道 investigative reporting
操纵和滥用真相 manipulation and abuse of truth
言论自由 free speech
战地记者 war correspondent
新闻编辑室 newsroom