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近月制动 braking at perilune

language.chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: 2018-12-15
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China's Chang'e 4 robotic probe completed its braking at perilune and entered lunar orbit on Wednesday, marking a major step in its mission to make a soft landing on the moon's far side. 

据国防科工局、国家航天局消息,12日16时45分,嫦娥四号在经过近110个小时的飞行后,精准完成首次近月制动(complete its first braking at perilune),进入距月面约100公里的椭圆形环月轨道(enter an elliptical lunar orbit about 100 km above the surface)。所谓近月制动,就是给高速飞行在地月转移轨道(Earth-Moon transfer orbit)的航天器减速(decelerate),使其被月球的引力捕获,建立正常姿态,进行绕月飞行(orbit around the moon)。

嫦娥四号于8日凌晨发射升空(lift/blast off),9日实施了一次轨道修正(the trajectory of the spacecraft was adjusted),确保其不偏离前往月球的正确轨道(make sure it remains on the right track toward the silver sphere)。后续,嫦娥四号将在环月轨道运行数天,调整环月轨道高度和倾角(altitude and angle),开展与中继星的中继链路(data links with the relay satellite)在轨测试和导航敏感器(navigation sensors)在轨测试,确保探测器最终能进入预定的着陆区,择机实施月球背面软着陆(make a soft landing on the moon's far side)。

着陆器 lander
探月工程 lunar exploration program
在轨测试 in-orbit test
公转周期 period of revolution
自转周期 rotation period
一手资料 first-hand information