加权赋分 score weighting
The top two Chinese education officials in Zhejiang province were sacked on Wednesday after weighted scoring of an English test in the national college entrance examinations commonly known as gaokao.
11月24日,浙江省高考英语科目成绩公布后,一些学生和家长提出质疑,称考生最终得分与估分相比差距较大(score unexpectedly lower or higher than what's estimated),未能体现其真实能力水平(fail to reflect the actual performance of the exam-takers' capacities)。
11月27日,浙江省教育考试院对此作出回复,称因今年英语考试部分试题难度较往年偏大(level of difficulty for part of the test questions of this year's English exam was higher than previous years),遂面向所有考生,对难度较大的阅读理解(reading comprehension)、语言运用(linguistic performance)的部分试题实施了加权赋分(give extra weighting)。
这波解释未平息公众的质疑,有人认为,因题目太难而进行加权赋分,对成绩好的学生而言不公平,还有家长希望公开评分规则(the principle behind the grading method)。12月1日,浙江省委决定成立由浙江省长袁家军任组长,有关权威专家参与的调查组,对事件展开调查。
本月5日,调查组公布调查结果,认为此次高考英语科目加权赋分决策依据不充分、决策严重错误(a serious mistake without sufficient basis for decision-making),导致结果不公正、不合理(lead to unjustified and irrational testing scores)。浙江省政府决定,取消这次考试的加权赋分(the weighted scores will be canceled),恢复原始得分(the original scores will be reinstated)。浙江省教育厅厅长以及教育考试院党委书记被免职(be removed from their posts)。
开放式提问 open-ended question
作文 essay
客观题 objective question
选择题 multiple choice
负分 negative score
难度系数 difficulty level
未经充分评估 lack adequate assessment