互联网保险 online insurance
80 percent of online insurance applicants were born in the 1980s and 1990s, and more than a third, 36.4 percent, were aged under 24. [Photo/IC]
Online insurance is gaining popularity in China, driven by an increasing number of young people looking to cover themselves using quick, low-cost, social media-powered apps, according to a new industry report.
腾讯旗下互联网保险门户网站(online insurance portal)微保发布的报告发现,年轻人已成为互联网保险的主力买家(the main buyers of online insurance)。在受访对象中,80%的互联网保险投保人是80后、90后(80% of online insurance applicants were born in the 1980s and 1990s),其中,有36.4%的人年龄在24岁以下。
从产品层面来看,年轻人青睐更简单、便捷、有趣的保险产品(more simple, convenient and interesting insurance products)。很多80、90后已经是网购老手(online shopping veteran),但很多人此前并没有买过保险,也对价格比较敏感。这个群体追求的是简单便捷性价比高(cost-effectiveness),可以自由选购、不被骚扰的购买体验(shopping experience)。
相较父辈一般通过传统保险公司或保险经纪人(insurance agent/broker)了解并购买保险,年轻人多选择像微保这样的互联网保险平台。数据显示,70%的微保用户在微保上第一次使用微信支付购买保险服务(insurance service)。而高性价比、严选定制的产品也为用户提供更多普惠选择(provide more beneficial choices)。
微保董事兼首席执行官刘家明指出,年轻消费者是在互联网的陪伴下长大的(grow up with the internet),因此他们更喜欢网购。由于年轻人对互联网保险了解得更到位,未来他们将成为这种保险发展的驱动力(driving force)。
投保人 policyholder
保险费 premium
最高赔偿金额 the maximum payout
保险凭证 certificate of insurance
保额 sum insured