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拼妈 mompetition

language.chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: 2018-11-24
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File photo of Yu Minhong. [Photo/VCG]


Yu Minhong, the founder of English-language training giant New Oriental, sparked controversy by saying the moral degeneration of women has led to the current degeneration of the country. But by saying that mothers play a decisive role in bringing up children he also put his finger on why "mompetition" is so fierce in China. 

18日,新东方创始人俞敏洪就此前发表的女性堕落(moral degeneration of women)言论道歉,表示是自己没有表达好,引起了公众的误解。俞敏洪说,他想表达的真正意思是:一个国家的女性的水平,就代表了国家的水平(the level of women in a country represents the level of the country)。女性素质高,母亲素质高,就能够教育出高素质的孩子(well-educated women and mothers can cultivate well-educated children)。俞敏洪此番话反映出中国女性肩上承担的育儿重担(burden of raising kids)。

毋庸置疑,在孩子的成长过程中,母亲的影响力最为深远(there is no denying that the influence of mother is the most profound in a child's development)。有人说,中国现在已经进入了一个"拼妈(mompetition)"的时代。如果说"拼爹(competition of family background)"多让人联想到金钱地位的话,"拼妈"则有关孩子的教育与发展,比拼的不仅仅是时间和精力的投入,还有母亲的教育理念(education ideas)以及自身的综合软实力(comprehensive soft power)。

有网友总结了一份"时下当妈标准":下菜场,上课堂,做蛋糕,讲故事,教奥数,讲语法,改作文,做小报,懂琴棋,会书画,搜攻略,找景点,提行李,拍照片,想创意,搞活动。妈妈们一边大呼压力山大,要求减负(burden alleviation),一边继续在拼妈的道路上勇往直前。专家指出,拼妈反映了教育竞争的日趋激烈以及家长对教育的高度介入(high involvement),而这种介入往往由妈妈们身先士卒,拼的似乎只是妈妈们的精力和能力,但其背后是家庭拥有的各种资本。

玻璃天花板 glass ceiling
全职妈妈 stay-at-home-mother
亲子关系 parent-child relationship
家庭教师 home tutor
输在起跑线 lose ground at the start
早教课程 early education courses