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College counselors contest held at YNU

Updated: 2018-11-19
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Counselors take part in an examination at the eighth Yunnan University Contest for Counselors. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]  

The eighth Yunnan University (YNU) Contest for Counselors was held at the university, on Nov 15 and 16.

The contest saw 44 counselors compete for the title, with the winner going on to represent YNU at a provincial-level competition. 

After four rounds, 15 participants were honored with awards. 

The contest was divided into a preliminary contest and a final, with the different rounds aimed at evaluating participants’ abilities in a variety of areas. Assessment included a written exam and interview. 

Experienced experts well versed in dealing with students’ affairs were invited to judge the interview sessions.


A participant is interviewed during the contest for counselors. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]