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YNU cheerleading squad honored at national competition

Updated: 2018-11-19
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The YNU cheerleading squad poses for a photograph at the 2018-2019 National Cheerleading League (Kunming) and the second Yunnan University Cheerleading Tournament. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]

Yunnan University (YNU) cheerleading squad was recognized at the 2018-2019 National Cheerleading League (Kunming) and the second Yunnan University Cheerleading Tournament, which concluded at Yunnan Normal University, on Nov 11. 

The team secured the top spot in one of the competition categories, and won two silver medals in an additional two categories. 

With the support of the National Sports Authority and Yunnan Education Authority, the league was hosted by Yunnan Province Student Sports Association, the National Cheerleading Committee and Nanjing Xinhengding Sports Promotion Co. 

YNU’s cheerleading squad was made up of 21 students, who managed to stand out after competing against 130 teams at the competition.