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学前教育 preschool education

Updated: 2018-11-17
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Kindergarten children wearing gowns of Doctor Degree run at the Hedong District No 2 Kindergarten in Tianjin, North China, June 17, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua]


About 85% of preschoolers in China, aged between three and six, will be enrolled in certified kindergartens by 2020, according to a document jointly issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council Thursday. By 2035, preschool education, which lasts for three years, will be available for all children of the appropriate age, with a national preschool network set to be established.

日前,《中共中央国务院关于学前教育深化改革规范发展的若干意见》发布。意见指出,国家继续实施学前教育行动计划(preschool education action plan),逐年安排建设一批普惠性幼儿园,重点扩大农村地区(rural areas)、脱贫攻坚地区(poverty alleviation areas)、新增人口集中地区普惠性资源。鼓励支持街道、村集体、国有企事业单位(State-owned enterprises and public institutions),特别是高等学校设立自有公办园。

根据意见,各地要把发展普惠性学前教育(affordable preschool education)作为重点任务,结合本地实际,着力构建以普惠性资源为主体的办园体系,坚决扭转高收费民办园占比过高(the proportion of expensive private kindergartens is too high)的局面。按照实现普惠目标的要求,公办园在园幼儿占比偏低的省份,逐步提高公办园(public kindergarten)在园幼儿占比,到2020年全国原则上达到50%。

意见还指出,到2020年,我国基本形成以本专科为主体的幼儿园教师培养体系(system for the cultivation and training of kindergarten teachers),本专科学前教育专业毕业生规模达到20万人以上;建立幼儿园教师专业成长机制,健全培训课程标准,分层分类培训150万名左右幼儿园园长、教师(train about 1.5 million preschool principals and teachers);建立普通高等学校学前教育专业质量认证和保障体系,幼儿园教师队伍综合素质和科学保教能力得到整体提升,幼儿园教师社会地位(social status)、待遇保障进一步提高,教师职业吸引力有所增强(make teaching a more attractive profession)。

早期教育 early education
义务教育 compulsory education
师德 teachers' ethics
课外培训机构 after-school training institution
学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus