医闹 illegal acts targeting medical staff and institutions
A doctor examines a patient at a hospital in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on April 9, 2018. [Photo/VCG]
People who attack medical staff will be placed on a blacklist, according to a circular released by the National Development and Reform Commission on Tuesday that is designed to deter illegal acts targeting medical staff and institutions.
根据发改委等28个部门联合印发的《关于对严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为责任人实施联合惩戒合作备忘录》,对暴力杀医伤医以及在医疗机构寻衅滋事等严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为,建立健全失信联合惩戒(joint punishment)机制。联合惩戒对象是指因实施或参与涉医违法犯罪活动(perform or be involved in illegal acts related to medical staff or institutions),被公安机关处以行政拘留(administrative detention)以上处罚,或被司法机关追究刑事责任(criminal liability)的严重危害正常医疗秩序的自然人。
严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为包括:在医疗机构内故意伤害医务人员、损毁公私财物(purposefully injure medical staff or damage public and personal property in hospitals);非法限制医务人员人身自由(illegally restrict personal freedom of medical staff);非法携带枪支、弹药、管制器具或危险物品进入医疗机构(carry guns, ammunition, restricted tools or hazardous items into hospitals illegally);侮辱恐吓医务人员(insult and threaten medical staff);倒卖医院号源等破坏、扰乱医院正常诊疗秩序的涉医违法犯罪活动等。
对严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为责任人实施的联合惩戒措施包括:限制补贴性资金支持(restrictions in getting government subsidies);限制招录(聘)为公务员或事业单位工作人员;限制其乘坐飞机、列车软卧(soft sleepers on trains)、G字头动车组列车、其他动车组列车一等以上座位等高消费(high-end consumption)及其他非生活和工作必需的消费行为;将严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为人纳入全国信用信息共享平台(national credit information sharing platform)并通报其所在单位等。
医患关系 patient-doctor relation
医暴 violence against medical staff
医疗纠纷 medical dispute
改善医疗服务 improve healthcare services
门诊 outpatient service