催生二孩 encourage families to have a second child
A number of regions across China have granted extended benefits to local couples as part of efforts to encourage families to have a second child.
自2016年全面二孩政策(universal two-child policy)出台以来,二孩出生增长显著。然而,二孩政策还未得到育龄人群(couples of childbearing age)的普遍响应,许多人并非不愿意生,而是担心经济上负担不起两个孩子(cannot afford the economic burden of raising two kids)。
自2017年以来,全国多个地方相继出台"二孩奖励政策(two children incentive policies)"。据报道,在全国规定的98天产假(the 98 days of nationally-mandated maternity leave)的基础上,31个省区市延长产假(extend the maternity leave)至138-158天不等。男方允许享有陪护假(paternity leave)15至30天。此外,许多地方政府还给二孩家庭发放生育津贴(childbirth allowance)、医疗服务等更多福利。在新疆维吾尔自治区的石河子市,二孩妈妈还可获得1000元的补助和3年的奶粉补贴(subsidies for baby milk formula)。湖北省仙桃市为二孩妈妈提供生殖医疗服务补贴(subsidized reproductive medical services)。辽宁省也正在考虑引入奖励二孩家庭的相关政策。
产前假 pre-natal leave
延长哺乳假 extended breastfeeding leave
妇产医院 maternity hospital
婴儿潮 baby boom