无人岛 uninhabited/unpopulated island
Hainan province updated a regulation on the development of small uninhabited islands on Wednesday, aiming to better protect the islands and standardize approval procedures.
海南省海洋与渔业厅4日公布《海南省无居民海岛开发利用审批办法》,明确单位或个人申请开发利用无居民海岛的审批流程。单位或个人(entity or individual)申请开发利用无居民海岛(uninhabited islands),应向省级海洋行政主管部门提出申请,并提交无居民海岛开发利用申请书(application)、具体方案(development plans)和项目论证报告(project appraisal reports)。
海南省要求,编制无居民海岛开发利用具体方案应依据有关法律法规、规划、技术标准和规范,合理确定用岛面积、用岛方式和布局、开发强度等,集约节约利用海岛资源;合理确定建筑物、设施的建设总量、高度以及与海岸线的距离(the heights of buildings and facilities, as well as their distance from the coastline should be reasonable),并实行海岛保护措施,建立海岛生态环境监测站(点)(monitoring stations),防止废水、废气、废渣、粉尘、放射性物质等对海岛及其周边海域生态系统造成破坏(wastewater, gas, residue, dust and radioactive substances must not damage the ecosystems of the islands and their surrounding waters)。
The regulation sets a limit of 15 years for aquaculture uses, 25 years for tourism and entertainment, 30 years for salt and mining industries, 40 years for public welfare purposes and 50 years for ports, shipyards and other construction projects.
办法称,无居民海岛开发利用期限届满,用岛单位或个人需要继续开发利用的,应当在期限届满两个月前向海南省人民政府申请续期(apply for renewal)。准予续期的,用岛单位或个人应当依法缴纳续期的无居民海岛使用金(pay the lease fee)。未申请续期或申请续期未获批准的,无居民海岛开发利用终止。
2010年3月1日,中国《海岛保护法(Island Protection Law of the People's Republic of China)》出台,明确规定无居民海岛属国家所有,由国务院代表国家行使无居民海岛所有权(uninhabited islands belong to the state, and the State Council shall exercise the ownership of uninhabited islands on behalf of the state),凡是无居民海岛开发利用,都必须报经省级人民政府或者国务院批准并取得海岛使用权、缴纳海岛使用金。
近海岛屿 offshore island
开发利用 development and utilization
海洋生态 ocean ecology
专属经济区 exclusive economic zone