贸易战 trade war
With the 25% additional tariffs on Chinese products worth 34 billion US dollars effective on Friday, the US has ignited the largest trade war in economic history, said a Ministry of Commerce spokesperson.
发言人表示,这种征税行为违反世贸规则(violates the World Trade Organization rules),是典型的贸易霸凌主义(represents a typical "trade bully"),正在严重危害全球产业链和价值链安全(pose a grave threat to the security of global industry and value chains),阻碍全球经济复苏步伐(hamper global economic recovery),引发全球市场动荡(trigger global market turmoil),还将波及全球更多无辜的跨国公司、一般企业和普通消费者(deal a blow to many multinationals, enterprises and ordinary consumers),不但无助、还将有损于美国企业和人民利益。
发言人指出,中方承诺不打第一枪(vowed not to fire the first shot),但为了捍卫国家核心利益和人民群众利益,不得不被迫作出必要反击(is forced to stage counter-attacks to protect the core national interests and interests of its people)。我们将及时向世贸组织通报相关情况,并与世界各国一道,共同维护自由贸易和多边体制(defend free trade and multilateral mechanisms)。
同时,中方再度重申,我们将坚定不移深化改革(deepen reform)、扩大开放(expand opening-up),保护企业家精神(protect entrepreneurship),强化产权保护(strengthen protection of intellectual property rights),为世界各国在华企业创造良好营商环境。我们将持续评估有关企业所受影响,并将努力采取有效措施帮助企业(assess the impact on affected companies and take effective measures to offer them support)。
采取对策 take countermeasures
切实行动 tangible action
全球金融体系 global financial system
保护主义 protectionism