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通信账单管理 management of telecommunication charges

language.chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: 2018-07-16
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China will take strong measures to curb spam and nuisance phone calls, and strengthen the management of customers' telecommunication charges, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said on Wednesday.

Spam就是"垃圾短信",这个词在互联网中很常见,意为unwanted e-mail(usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk) ,即(出于商业目的批量发送的)收件人不想要的邮件,也就是"垃圾邮件"。另外,"发送垃圾邮件"这个动作也可以直接用spam来表示,比如:This program lets you spam the newspapers(这个程序能让你向各报发送垃圾邮件)。Nuisance phone calls就是"骚扰电话",也可以简写成nuisance calls或用unwanted calls表示。其实,上面的垃圾短信也可以用nuisance texts表示。


一是督促电信企业立即纠正错收费行为(immediately correct mistaken charges),并要求基础电信企业从下月起以短信方式按月向用户推送通信账单信息(send detailed billing information to users through SMS beginning next month),让用户明明白白消费。

二是立即核实报道所涉具体问题和典型案例,已关停发送垃圾短信的短信端口(SMS portals)31个,关停涉嫌营销扰民的电话号码及关联号码82个(shut down 82 telephone numbers linked to harassing calls),约谈涉事企业,责令其全面自查整改。情况查明后,将依法处理违规企业,问责涉事人员。

三是举一反三,深入剖析问题根源,堵塞管理漏洞(plug up loopholes in management rules),全面提升运营服务水平(strengthen telecom services and management),努力为广大人民群众营造良好的信息通信环境。

群发短信 mass texting
短信诈骗 SMS phishing
伪基站 pseudo base station
电信诈骗 telecom fraud
响一声就挂的电话 abandoned calls