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自助游产品 self-guided tour products

Updated: 2018-07-16
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The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China required online travel agencies and platforms to examine self-guided tour products on sale and remove those with unacceptable risks. 

根据旅游文化部网站7日信息,针对本月5日泰国普吉岛发生的翻船事件,旅游文化部已印发了关于做好暑期旅游安全工作(ensure summer travel safety)的通知和关于进一步加强出境自助游相关工作的紧急通知(urgent circular)。

5日下午,载有127名中国游客的两艘游船在泰国普吉岛附近海域遭遇暴风雨,发生倾覆(capsize in a storm off the coast of Phuket Island in Thailand),造成47人死亡。事故发生后,文化和旅游部开展暑期旅游市场紧急排查工作,要求各地各景区深入开展安全隐患排查治理(carry out security checks against hidden risks),坚决防范各类涉旅突发事件的发生。文化和旅游部要求,全国各地旅游部门应加强与气象、海洋、国土资源等部门的联系(strengthen connections with meteorological, ocean, land and resources and other departments),从而及时、准确地预测预报严重水情及恶劣天气(deliver accurate forecasts and timely alerts for severe water and weather conditions)。

文化和旅游部同时要求在线旅游企业和平台(online travel agencies and platforms)、旅行社开展紧急排查,下架不合格的自助游产品(suspend unqualified self-guided tour products),要求在线旅游企业和平台、产品供应商(online travel companies, platforms and product suppliers)在宣传销售高风险的出境自助游项目时加强风险提示(better inform travelers of risks),完善出境自助游应急机制(improve their emergency response mechanisms)并明确相关责任(clarify responsibilities)。

散客 individual traveler
自由行 independent travel
跟团游 package tour
深度游 in-depth travel
自驾游 self-driving tour
旅游保证金 travel deposit