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贸易霸凌主义 trade hegemony and bullying

language.chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: 2018-07-16
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   China denounced the US' latest threat to impose tariffs on an extra $200 billion worth of Chinese imports as "totally unacceptable" trade hegemony and bullying.

美国贸易代表办公室(Office of the US Trade Representative)当地时间10日发表声明,称美方将对2000亿美元从中国进口的商品加徵10%的关税,清单涉及6031项产品,包括数百种食品以及香烟、煤炭、化学制品、轮胎、猫狗粮(cat and dog food)和电子元件(electronic components)等消费电子产品(consumer electronics)。

商务部对此发表声明称,美方以加速升级的方式公布征税清单(publish a tariff list in a way that escalates tensions),是完全不可接受的。为了维护国家核心利益和人民根本利益(to defend the core interests of the nation and its people),中国政府将一如既往(as always),不得不作出必要反制(be forced to impose necessary countermeasures)。

商务部称,中方还将呼吁国际社会共同努力(call on mutual efforts from the international community),共同维护自由贸易规则和多边贸易体制(maintain the practice of free trade and the multilateral trading system),共同反对贸易霸凌主义(trade hegemony and bullying)。与此同时,中方将立即就美方的行为向世界贸易组织追加起诉(tack on the case to its suit against the US at the World Trade Organization)。

贸易战 trade war
贸易保护主义 trade protectionism
反倾销 anti-dumping
反补贴 anti-subsidy
市场情绪 market sentiment