世界杯 World Cup
This year's Football World Cup has opened in spectacular fashion, with the host Russians routing Saudi Arabia 5-0, recording the biggest win by the host nation in the opening game of a World Cup since 1934.
在此前进行的7场比赛中俄罗斯无一获胜(have not won in their past seven matches)。但在莫斯科卢日尼基体育场(Luzhniki Stadium)约7.8万粉丝的观战下,俄罗斯对阵沙特阿拉伯易如反掌(Russia had little trouble against the Saudis)。
比赛过程中,数位俄罗斯战将颇为勇猛,帮助祖国赢得出线小组赛的机会(help Russia's chances of qualifying from the group stage)。俄罗斯此次获胜也使得世界杯(World Cup)史上的"揭幕战东道主不败(host nation not losing the opening match)"定律得以延续。
接下来,俄罗斯将迎战萨拉赫领衔的埃及队(Russia will play Egypt led by Mohamed Salah next)和实力更强的乌拉圭队。虽然收获开门红(win the first game),但面对更加强大的对手,在14日晚的狂欢过后,俄罗斯还需重新开始。