小龙虾剥虾师 crayfish peeler
A restaurant in Shanghai recently made headlines for employing two young crayfish peelers who do the dirty work right at the customers' tables, while they check social media or play mobile video games.
如今,小龙虾在国内很受欢迎(crayfish are popular in China these days),不过,小龙虾虽美味,但剥虾却是令许多食客头疼的一件事,其中最大的"缺点"就是:不能边吃边玩手机。如果有人能处理麻烦的小龙虾壳(handle the nasty crayfish shells),然后把美味的虾肉送到你面前(hand you the succulent flesh),岂不是很好吗?在上海黄浦区一家特别的餐厅里,就真的可以点一名小龙虾剥虾师(crayfish peeler),当你看手机、和朋友发消息或者玩手机时,他们会很乐意为你代劳(be glad to take care of the dirty work)。
餐厅经理表示:"剥小龙虾确实是件很烦人的事(peeling crayfish is actually quite an annoying thing),还会弄脏手,所以我们这里引进了专业小龙虾剥虾师(introduce professional crayfish peelers here)。顾客不需要停下来,就可以吃到小龙虾。"据悉,两位年轻的剥虾师通常每天会处理约100只虾,每个月可获得上万元的可观收入(earn a nice monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan)。
餐厅两名剥虾师之一的何南新是服装设计专业的大四学生(a fourth-year university student majoring in fashion design)。她和同事收取15%的剥虾服务费,这份工作似乎能帮他们赚到五位数的月薪(earn five-figure salaries every month)。何南新很中意这份工作的另一个原因是她可以获得和各种各样的人交流(interact with all kinds of people)的机会。
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