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网红粉丝 fans of online celebrities

language.chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: 2018-07-02
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Both the number of online celebrities and their fans have seen rapid growth in the past year, according to a report by Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo and consulting firm iResearch.

该报告称,过去一年里,网红经济(online celebrity economy)基础继续扩大。报告的数据显示,截至2018年5月,中国网红粉丝(fans of online celebrities, followers of internet celebrities)总人数达到5.88亿人,同比增长25%,且网红粉丝数量仍呈上升趋势(maintain an upward trend)。25岁以下粉丝占比53.9%,61%的新浪微博用户属于同样的年龄层(61% of Sina Weibo users were also of the same age group)。报告还显示,31%的网红粉丝来自小城市,20%来自一二线城市(first and second-tier cities)。

粉丝规模的增长推动了网红数量的快速提升。截至2018年5月,粉丝规模在10万人以上的网红(online celebrities who had more than 100,000 followers)数量较去年增长51%,粉丝规模超过100万的头部网红增长了23%。同时,网红群体结构和综合实力均不断优化。数据显示,更多网红拥有更高的学历(have a higher education background),其中14.6%拥有硕士及以上学历(have master's degrees or above)。虽然时尚和泛娱乐行业(fashion and pan-entertainment sectors)依旧占据网红所在领域的主导位置,但他们中越来越多的人也在教育、食品、健康、育儿和儿童保育这些领域中越来越具有影响力(build a growing influence in areas of education, food, fitness, parenting and child care)。

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