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NSSFC-funded YNU project wins approval

Updated: 2018-06-07
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A Yunnan University (YNU) project led by Zhou Qiong, dean of the Institute of Southwest Environmental History at YNU, is granted approval, on June 3. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]

A YNU project funded by the National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC) was granted approval at a conference held at YNU, on June 3.

The project was conducted by a research team led by Zhou Qiong, dean of the Institute of Southwest Environmental History at YNU.

His research aims to establish a database tracing the records and information of natural disasters that have happened in the southwestern part of China.

Attendees at the conference were all highly-regarded professors working in similar fields from domestic universities and research institutions. 

After listening to a report delivered by Zhou, many gave positive feedback regarding the layout of his project. 

Professors in attendance also shared their advice with the research team on how to improve the research plan.

Since 2009, Professor Zhou has dedicated himself to the research of historical records of natural disasters in Southwest China. He has since undertaken three research projects which received financial support from NSSFC.