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YNU students win MCM awards

Updated: 2018-05-11
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The results of the 2018 Mathematical Contest in Modeling show that the team led by Chang Youli, lecturer at Yunnan University, won “Meritorious Winner”. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]

Lou Xiaohang, Liu Xiaoqian and Wang Weiyi, students at Yunnan University, recently won the “Meritorious Winner” award for the 2018 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), according to results released by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Application (COMAP).

Their achievement was the best performance by a YNU delegation in recent years.

The team also won first prize in the 2017 China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM).

According to the results, another three teams from YNU won “Honorable Mention”.

A total of 20,602 teams took part in this year’s contest, including students from Harvard University, Princeton University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University, Peking University and Zhejiang University.

The MCM is one of the world’s top mathematical modeling contests organized by COMAP. Problems used in the contest mostly come from real life and cover areas such as economics, management, the environment, resources, ecology, medicine, security, and science and technology.

Awards in the contest include Outstanding Winner, Finalist, Meritorious Winner, and Honorable Mention. This year, 33 teams won “Outstanding Winner”, 45 won “Finalist”, and 2,010 won “Meritorious Winner”.


Certificate of achievement for Lou Xiaohang, Liu Xiaoqian and Wang Weiyi from Yunnan University. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]