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YNU students secure top prize at Imagine Cup

Updated: 2018-04-13
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Prizes won by teams from YNU. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]

Yunnan University (YNU) students won top prize at the Yunnan final of the 2018 Imagine Cup, which was held on April 4.

After a round of fierce competition, the YNU team comprising of three students from the School of Information won first place in the Yunnan final, receiving a 100,000 yuan ($15,896) cash prize. 

The other three teams from YNU shared the third prize, with each team winning a 10,000 yuan cash prize. 

Over the past 16 years, the Imagine Cup has been the world's premier student technology competition. Since 2003, Microsoft has provided a global platform for students to team up and demonstrate their creativity, passion and knowledge of technology to create applications that shape how we live, work and play. 

All world finalist teams win an all-expenses paid trip to the world finals held in the United States, where they will compete with the best and brightest teams from across the globe for the title of World Champion.


All YNU students participating in the Yunnan final of the Imagine Cup pose for a photograph. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]