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YNU professor makes cover of national journal

Updated: 2018-04-12
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Professor Zhou Ping, a Changjiang Scholar at Yunnan University (YNU), whose papers have been repeatedly republished by Xinhua Wenzhai, a magazine affiliated with the People's Daily, has recently made it onto the front cover of the magazine.


Zhou Ping features on the March 2018 front cover of Xinhua Wenzhai.[Photo/ynu.edu.cn]

Zhou has already had his research findings published by Xinhua Wenzhai on 13 separate occasions.

Xinhua Wenzhai is a large comprehensive and authoritative academic publication edited by People's Publishing House. Its articles reflect the research frontiers of major issues in the fields of domestic politics, society, economics and culture.

The fact that YNU is being mentioned regularly in a national publication demonstrates how influential the university has become in the discipline of political science, allowing it to be able to fulfill a national target of creating first-rate disciplines.