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Delegation from AESC visits YNU

Updated: 2018-04-11
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Yang Lin, Party secretary of Yunnan University (YNU), speaks with Freidoon Barez, chair of the aviation and technology department of the College of Engineering at San Jose State University. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]

A delegation from San Jose State University visited Yunnan University (YNU) to discuss a potential long-term partnership, on March 28. 

Yang Lin, Party secretary at YNU;Hao Shumei, assistant principal at YNU, and other directors met with the delegation, comprising of Freidoon Barez, department chair for the aviation and technology department of the College of Engineering, and some representatives from American Educational Service Centers (AESC).

During the meeting, Yang extended a warm welcome to the delegation and briefed the visitors about the achievements YNU has made in recent years.

Yang expressed his admiration for the quality of higher education on offer in the United States, and the potential benefits of a partnership with an American university for YNU.

Freidoon Barez said that AESC has been looking for a partnership with a Chinese university for some time, and that YNU would make an ideal partner as a high-level university in Southwest China. 

The two sides discussed more specific details of their potential partnership including on exchange programs, opportunities for teacher exchanges, development and cooperation on relevant curriculum and programs, and development of companies and incubation centers.