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Representatives from Chinese Talents visit YNU

Updated: 2018-04-10
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Representatives led by Wen Jinhai, director of the Editorial Department at Chinese Talents, a national-level magazine specializing in the research of human resources, visit Yunnan University (YNU) to examine its work, on April 8. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]

Representatives led by Wen Jinhai, director of the Editorial Department at Chinese Talents, a national-level magazine specializing in human resources, visited Yunnan University (YNU) to research the university’s work on human resources, on April 8.

At the meeting, Wen listened to a report delivered by a YNU representative on the university’s work to attract highly-skilled workers and the measures it had taken to boost the development of disciplines as well as the construction of key laboratories in recent years.

He vowed to enhance the measures to give more publicity to YNU in terms of its work in human resources.

Before the meeting, Wen was shown around the campus while being briefed on the history, academic research and training of skilled workers at the univeristy.