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Delegation from Thailand education authority visits YNU

Updated: 2018-04-09
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Delegates from the Thailand education authority pose for a photograph with YNU students. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]

A delegation from the education authority of the Seventh Circuit in Thailand visited Yunnan University (YNU) to discuss a potential partnership, on April 2.

The delegation, comprising of more than 60 members, received a warm welcome from representatives led by Sun Quan, Party secretary at the School of Physical Education of YNU.

During the meeting, Sun said that both parties were endowed with advantageous locations in the context of the on-going Belt and Road Initiative. He expressed his wishes to enhance cooperation in more fields, and work together to improve the influence of the cooperative programs between both sides.

In addition, he briefed the guests on the current condition of the School of Physical Education, and introduced the progress of the sports park under construction at the university. 

After the welcome ceremony, the Thai delegation was invited to the stadium where they observed martial arts, aerobics and basketball.


Sun Quan (R), Party secretary at the School of Physical Education at YNU, presents a souvenir to a Thai delegate. [Photo/ynu.edu.cn]