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School of Agriculture

Updated: 2017-11-02
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Yunnan University's School of Agriculture was founded in August, 1938. The school's departments of Horticulture and Sericulture were merged into the Chongqing Southwest College of Agriculture in March 1953. The School of Agriculture was made independent from Yunnan University in August 1958, after which it developed into Yunnan Agriculture University and Southwest Forestry University. However, Yunnan University reopened the School of Agriculture in 2011 as the province urgently needed the support of agricultural talents and technologies for economic development.


The School of Agriculture has three departments: Horticulture, Plant Science and Technology, and Applied Bio-science.

Cooperating with many scientific research institutes and large flower growing enterprises, the school has taken part in a multitude of joint gardening experimental bases in Kunming.

The school is authorized to award doctoral degrees and two master's degrees.



In the fields of fern and tree classification, tobacco breeding and cultivation and plant pathology, the school has achieved outstanding research results by maintaining its fruit tree resource collection and silkworm genetic studies.