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Notification No. 20 for Epidemic Response

(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-09-27

Xiamen Municipal Headquarters for COVID-19 Response

Notification No. 20/2021

September 27, 2021

To ensure a prompt and effective identification and control of the infection sources, curb the spread of the virus, and protect people's life and health, special nucleic acid testing (NAT) service will be arranged for yellow health code holders from September 27 to 29, 2021. We hereby notify you of the following matters:

I. Yellow health code holders in Xiamen and those who have received relevant text messages from Xiamen Municipal Headquarters for COVID-19 Response shall take nucleic acid tests at designated testing sites, excluding:

—those in Tong'an District, the closed-off areas, and the closed and controlled areas; and

—those who have not completed their medical observation either at home or designated quarantine facilities.

II. Present yellow health codes or relevant text messages from Xiamen Municipal Headquarters to take the tests.

III. The above-mentioned people must take two nucleic acid tests at a 24-hour interval at designated testing sites. Those who test negative in both tests are eligible for getting back green health codes after verification. Please follow the instructions sent via text message by Xiamen Municipal Headquarters if otherwise required.

IV. Yellow health code holders shall register with the villages, communities or residential compounds using IDs or Household Register booklets before leaving home for the testing. Villages, communities or residential compounds shall facilitate their return home.

V. Those who spread the virus due to unjustified absence from the testing shall be held accountable.

VI. People who suspect errors in being assigned yellow health codes shall apply for further review and submitt documents at the Yellow Health Code Appeal Section on iXiamen official WeChat account (ID: ixm0592) or Xiamen12345 official WeChat account (ID: xmzwrx12345). For more information, please call 0592-12345.  

VII. This round of testing service is available between 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. from September 27 to 29. Please see attached a detailed list of the testing sites. The list is subject to adjustment—please refer to the NAT List for Yellow Health Code Holders in Fujian (Xiamen) at the Epidemic Prevention and Control Section on the iXiamen official WeChat account. Further notice will be released for future NAT service time. The aforementioned people can also go to relevant medical institutions for nucleic acid testing at their own expense outside special service times.


Appendix: NAT List for Yellow Health Code Holders in Fujian (Xiamen)


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