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Xiamen holds cross-border firms, family office services seminar

ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: December 24, 2024


The seminar attracts a full house of participants. [Photo/WeChat account of Xiamen FTZ]

An industry cooperation and development seminar focusing on cross-border enterprises, as well as family office services and a development named the "Maritime Silk Road Family Office: Co-creating the Future", was held in the Xiamen Free Trade Zone on Dec 20.

At the event the Maritime Silk Road International Legal and Commercial Integration Service Base held an appointment ceremony for experts and chief consultants of the Maritime Silk Road Global Family Office and Cross-Border Wealth Management Service.

This was followed by an appointment ceremony for the chairman of the Maritime Silk Road Cross-Border Enterprises and Family Office Development Center.

In addition, the family office service center signed a significant cooperation agreement with the China Strait Talent Market. This represented a move forwards for the center in the international talent development arena.

During a themed sharing session, industry experts, academics and business representatives from Hong Kong, Singapore and elsewhere held in-depth exchanges on the theme of the Exploration and Prospects of Chinese-style Family Offices. 

The seminar was said to reflect the effectiveness, vitality and potential of the Maritime Silk Road Family Office Service Center's development. 

It also demonstrated the efforts and achievements of the Xiamen FTZ in promoting economic transformation and upgrading, facilitating the opening of financial markets, attracting high-end talent and in other related areas.