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Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District provides foreign-related legal safeguards for Xiamen

ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: July 18, 2024

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The Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District FTZ Pilot Zone is located in the Xiamen FTZ. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]

A delegation of senior officials from Laos recently visited the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District FTZ Pilot Zone in the Xiamen Free Trade Zone and gave high praise to its innovative practices, planning layout and comprehensive legal service capabilities of the district.

Since it was established two years ago, the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District has actively contributed to the construction of foreign-related legal governance. It has established platforms for international dispute resolution, legal-business integration services, industrial development coordination, and legal exchange cooperation.

As of now, nearly 200 legal service projects involving BRICS countries have been processed, over 100 cases of extraterritorial legal investigations have been provided, and guidance has been given for a single cross-border acquisition antitrust review for a company in Xiamen amounting to 11 billion yuan ($1.52 billion).

Business and legal integration are crucial for the healthy development of commerce, and the Xiamen Area of the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District actively is establishing itself as a preferred location for international commercial and maritime dispute resolution. 

It has established the first global representative office for international commercial dispute prevention and resolution organizations and is responsible for the first temporary arbitration guidelines to be released in a national FTZ.

Focusing on industrial transformation, the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District is actively building a hub for innovation in law enforcement, security, and legal technology to create new quality productive forces in the field of legal technology.