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Dadeng market: Top choice for Taiwan enterprises to expand into mainland market

ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: June 5, 2024

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The Dadeng market attracts many visitors. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]

As the first Chinese mainland market offering tax-free small-scale transactions with Taiwan, the Dadeng Taiwan small commodity trading market has been at the forefront of cross-Strait exchanges for 25 years. With nearly six-billion-yuan-worth ($828 million) of Taiwan imports, hosting 80,000 Taiwan visitors, and a peak of 62 Taiwan businesses, it stands as a beacon of cross-Strait commerce. 

Today, the Dadeng market has become the premier showcase for Taiwan goods on the Chinese mainland and the top choice for Taiwan small and medium-size enterprises looking to expand into the mainland market.

In 2020, Taiwan compatriots Huang and his son came to the market and established the Xiamen-Dadeng Business Incubator for Cross-Straits Youth. 

They have provided guidance to nearly 80 Taiwan young people and around 50 new Taiwan companies, offering them thoughtful services to help them start businesses on the Chinese mainland. Thanks to their efforts, the business incubator is becoming well-known among young Taiwan entrepreneurs.

Another Taiwan compatriot named Huang Qingjun, who has been starting a business in Xiamen for over a decade, said that the Xiamen Free Trade Zone has provided support and assistance to Taiwan businessmen and young people, especially through various preferential policies. 

He stated that "In the future, I will continue to work hard, leverage my strengths, and encourage more Taiwan businessmen and young people to stay in Xiamen, creating more value in the city."

Not only do Taiwan merchants enjoy increased convenience, but residents and tourists can also purchase Taiwan goods priced below 6,000 yuan at the market, exempt from import duties and taxes collected by customs on behalf of other government departments.

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Taiwan businessman Huang Qingjun showcases Taiwan specialties. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]