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First China-Europe freight train departs from new railway goods yard in Xiamen

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: December 8, 2023


The first China-Europe freight train departs from the Qianchang railway goods yard in Xiamen on Dec 6. [Photo/WeChat account of Xiamen Free Trade Zone]

The first China-Europe freight train departing from the Qianchang railway goods yard in Xiamen city in East China's Fujian province was launched on Dec 6 after the yard was built up to enhance transportation efficiency, marking a significant milestone in Xiamen's efforts to become an international transport hub.  

This train, loaded with clothing, metal products, automobiles, and accessories, is expected to reduce transportation costs and improve operational efficiency.

The train carried 55 40-foot containers with 5,720 tons of cargo valued at around 35 million yuan ($4.9 million). The goods are mainly sourced from Xiamen and surrounding areas in Fujian province. The train is estimated to arrive in Moscow, Russia, in 15 days.

To ensure the smooth operation of this train, the platform actively coordinated with customs, railways, and other relevant departments. They quickly organized the goods and utilized the advantages of the platform's resource integration to streamline processes such as customs declaration and loading, thereby improving the efficiency of import and export operations.

With the operation of the Qianchang Multimodal Transport Monitoring Center, the China-Europe freight trains have been relocated to the Qianchang Logistics Park as the departure and arrival point. This move is set to significantly reduce transportation costs, improve operational efficiency, enhance logistics competitiveness, and optimize the transportation layout in Xiamen, alleviating traffic pressure at the port.