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Xiamen cross-border e-commerce spurs in 'Double 11' shopping festival

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: November 14, 2023

Many cross-border e-commerce companies in Xiamen have seen a boom in sales, with cross-border imports and exports peaking during the recently concluded "Double 11" shopping festival.

During this year's shopping festival, the peak shipment volume of JD's cross-border trade operation center in Haicang district, Xiamen occurred from 8 pm on Nov 10 to midnight on Nov 11, with orders exceeding the 100,000 mark. 

To ensure the efficient operation during the shopping festival, the center operated 30 packing lines manned by more than 100 staff, three times the usual number of production lines and personnel allocation.

According to statistics, JD's cross-border trade operation center in Xiamen received 250,495 orders worth more than 66.91 million yuan ($9.17 million) between 8am on Oct 31 and midnight on Nov 11.

Data shows that the Xiamen cross-border e-commerce public service platform handled a total of nearly 5.073 million import and export business tickets worth more than 1.05 billion yuan from Oct 31 to Nov 11, an increase of 157.8 percent and 31.2 percent respectively from the same period last year.

The export business amounted to more than 4.824 million tickets totaling more than 980 million yuan, an increase of 220 percent and 53 percent respectively year-on-year.