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Festival boosts Xiamen city's film, television sector

en.ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: November 8, 2023


The symbol of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, a golden rooster, stands in front of the Straits Grand Theater. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]

The 2023 China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival ended with a flourish and an extravaganza on Nov 4.

The climax was the glittering ceremony for the 36th China Golden Rooster Awards that day – held in Xiamen city, in East China's Fujian province.

During the festival – which ran from Nov 1-4 – Xiamen signed 126 film and television industry projects, with a combined investment of 28.05 billion yuan ($3.86 billion).

They covered physical film and television productions, cultural and tourism integration, AI applications, film and TV technology education and the metaverse, among other things.

The success of the film festival is widely said to have galvanized the development of Xiamen's cultural and film industry.

The China Golden Rooster Awards started to be held in Xiamen in 2019. Over the past five years, with its support, the number of film and television enterprises in the city has grown rapidly.

As a result, Xiamen is now estimated to be home to nearly 2,400 film and television companies, covering the core business of the film and television industry production and supply chain – including filming, post production, software development, publicity and distribution.

Over the past five years, the number of cultural, film and TV companies and institutions in Xiamen has grown at an average annual rate of 10.2 percent, with average annual revenue growth of 17.8 percent.

As such, the industry has become an important pillar of Xiamen's economic and social development.

During the past five years, Xiamen has continued to optimize its film and television shooting services. Relying on State-owned enterprises, the city has established a municipal film and TV sector service platform.

It offers professional services such as policy consultations, investment promotions services, shooting coordination and facility and equipment leasing for production teams.

The film festival also promotes Xiamen's moves to optimize and upgrade its film and television industry policies.

Taking the movie festival as a golden opportunity, Xiamen plans to hold over 20 series of activities every year for the public.

Since 2019, the city has held over 2,200 film and cultural events, introduced about 200 excellent films from other regions and countries and exhibited over 200 classic Chinese films.

These activities covered cinemas, squares, communities, rural areas and other places, in a bid to promote the deep integration of the film festival and Xiamen.

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